Monday, May 14, 2007

what feels right is always wrong

Why is it that what feels so good in life always has to be whats wrong?
Or when life seems to be going so good we all know something bad is going to bring it all crashing down!
So many things in my life feel like they are or could be so right but I know they are or have the potential to be so wrong! That falls into all aspects of life, friends, family, career, love, everything.
Friends: which ones can you honestly trust? You know what they say about everyone else & how they gosip, who's to say that they don't do that to you too. Who's to say that they aren't blabbing your secrets all over when you trusted them w/ calssified information. Why are the toxic relationships you have w/ friends the ones you can never let go of?!
Family: theres always something in everyones family that causes you to be torn & what is right just doesn't feel right & what feels right is probably wrong. Someone is going to end up hurt or you'll always come out as the bad guy w/ someone getting hurt.
Love: Im convienced that im never going to find real love. I think it's because 1. I haven't really been looking 2. the places I seek affection are those places where it feels so right buit in the end its so wrong, and we both know it. Im not saying that I want more out of all of these people but the ones that I could see myself w/ in years to come are the whole wright/wrong thing all over again!!
Im just sitting here thinking about my life as i normally do at this point in my pointless day and realized that most of my life has felt so right yet I knew it was so wrong or ended up learning it was so wrong!

1 comment:

craperlogy said...

your question about sending mass email to everyone in your adr book have been answered at

if you find the infomation useful, please ask question often and introduce it to more people.